Meeting Information

SPUC 3rd Annual Conference • October 6-8, 2017 • Seattle, Washington

AAP Subcommittee on Pediatric Urgent Care

AAP logoAt the AAP NCE in San Francisco last month, the Subcommittee on Pediatric Urgent Care met for the second time, with approximately 35 of its 125 members in attendance. Dr. Usha Sankrithi from Seattle Children’s Hospital and Dr. Jeff Schor of PM Pediatrics led the meeting. After opening comments on the state of pediatric urgent care and an overview of subcommittee activities in FY 2016, the group began a very interactive session surrounding the reports of the four subgroups listed below. A representative from each of these work groups gave an update on activity in the last year and ideas for next steps within their group for FY 2017. Members were encouraged to connect with a group whose work they were interested in advancing. 

Defining Standards & Clinical Guidelines — Toni Hogencamp
Education — Mike DiStefano, Eric Weinberg, and Amy Pattishall
Research — Joann Welch and Amanda Montalbano
Advocacy — Sheryl Cohen

At the close of the session, Dr. Sankrithi announced a goal of doubling membership in the subcommittee to 250 in the next year. To join, you only need to be an AAP member.  

There was widespread support for an urgent care focused listserv for subcommittee members as this has been a powerful communications tool for other specialty groups within AAP. Robert Sanders agreed to act as a communications lead for the subcommittee.

Liaisons were identified within the subcommittee to work with other urgent care organizations including UCAOA, SPUC, NAPNAP, American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine, and the Journal of Urgent Care Medicine.

Next, the group agreed that we would like to pursue forming a new section within AAP.  Linh Pham will be spearheading this project.

Finally, there was brief discussion on steps that would need to be taken if we decide to pursue starting a subspecialty board in pediatric urgent care.  Many of these we are in the beginning stages of with the workgroups above. 



How to Join the Pediatric Urgent Care Subcommittee

JoinWe encourage anyone who is an AAP member to join the PUC subcommittee. Please spread the word to your friends and colleagues. There is strength in Numbers!!!!

Details on how to join the subcommittee is as follows:

  • Go to the AAP website at AAP.ORG
  • In the dropdown menu under about AAP, select committees and sections
  • Go to the sections page and select Emergency Medicine
  • Click on subcommittees on the header
  • This will take you to the subcommittee’s page and the application is at the bottom of the page – it is a very simple form (See screen shots below).

We look forward to welcoming you!

Usha Sankrithi & Jeff Schor
Co-Chairs, Subcommittee on Pediatric Urgent Care