VIRTUAL, September 27-29, 2023
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Federal Tax ID#: 46-4457008
PAYMENTPayment is due in full when the Agreement is submitted.CANCELLATIONWritten cancellations received in the SPUC office by August 1, 2023 will receive a 50% refund. There are no refunds for cancellations received after August 1, 2023.
Payment Method:
Credit Card Check
Standard 1: Ensure Content is ValidStandard 1 applies to all accredited continuing education.
Accredited providers are responsible for ensuring that their education is fair and balanced and that any clinical content presented supports safe, effective patient care.
Standard 2: Prevent Commercial Bias and Marketing in Accredited Continuing EducationStandard 2 applies to all accredited continuing education.
Accredited continuing education must protect learners from commercial bias and marketing.
Standard 3: Identify, Mitigate, and Disclose Relevant Financial RelationshipsStandard 3 applies to all accredited continuing education.
Many healthcare professionals have financial relationships with ineligible companies. These relationships must not be allowed to influence accredited continuing education. The accredited provider is responsible for identifying relevant financial relationships between individuals in control of educational content and ineligible companies and managing these to ensure they do not introduce commercial bias into the education. Financial relationships of any dollar amount are defined as relevant if the educational content is related to the business lines or products of the ineligible company.
Accredited providers must take the following steps when developing accredited continuing education. Exceptions are listed at the end of Standard 3.
Identify ineligible companies by their name only. Disclosure to learners must not include ineligible companies’ corporate or product logos, trade names, or product group messages.Disclose absence of relevant financial relationships. Inform learners about planners, faculty, and others in control of content (either individually or as a group) with no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.Learners must receive disclosure information, in a format that can be verified at the time of accreditation, before engaging with the accredited education.
Exceptions: Accredited providers do not need to identify, mitigate, or disclose relevant financial relationships for any of the following activities:
Standard 4: Manage Commercial Support AppropriatelyStandard 4 applies only to accredited continuing education that receives financial or in-kind support from ineligible companies.
Accredited providers that choose to accept commercial support (defined as financial or in-kind support from ineligible companies) are responsible for ensuring that the education remains independent of the ineligible company and that the support does not result in commercial bias or commercial influence in the education. The support does not establish a financial relationship between the ineligible company and planners, faculty, and others in control of content of the education.
Standard 5: Manage Ancillary Activities Offered in Conjunction with Accredited Continuing EducationStandard 5 applies only when there is marketing by ineligible companies or nonaccredited education associated with the accredited continuing education.
Accredited providers are responsible for ensuring that education is separate from marketing by ineligible companies—including advertising, sales, exhibits, and promotion—and from nonaccredited education offered in conjunction with accredited continuing education.
The Company and the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care agree to abide by all requirements of the enclosed ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education.
Please acknowledge your intention to finance this activity and to comply by the above terms and conditions: